
Fontys Factory CADwalk

Year: 2013 • Client: Fontys Factory • Employer: Fontys

During the Dutch Design Week exposition in the Netherlands we build an installation to make people aware of privacy policies which they are accepting everywhere on the internet. The people participating where send over a catwalk –after they signed some paperwork- where they get scanned at several stations. I was responsible for measuring and visualising the weight, height and BMI at the health station of the catwalk. At the end of the catwalk we captured several portraits, detail-shots, 3D-scans and health statistics. These statistics showed up at different data visualisations on the installation. At the end of the catwalk, participants were confronted to make a decision, whether to pay for deleting their personal information or to give their data to us, without knowing what we would do with it in the future…

Used technologies:

  • Arduino
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

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