
Flying Blue - City explorer

Year: 2014 • Internship • Employer: Born05

During my internship at Born05 in Utrecht, I have worked on a Flying Blue concept for KLM. FlyingBlue is a loyalty program for ‘Skyteam’ airline companies. The main goal of this project was to let the members of the loyalty program experience the possibilities and benefits of this program at their next destination.

When a member places his RFID FlyingBlue card on the interactive stand, the installation greets the member and opens a 360° panoramic view of their next destination. The members can explore different options of the FlyingBlue program and hidden city gems by applying various hand gestures.

I created this concept from the initiating start towards a workable proof of concept. On the technical side I programmed Arduinos, servers, front-end animations and a leap motion controller to capture hand gestures. On the other hand I designed the front-end experience and created the content.

Used technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • Arduino
  • Leap Motion
  • Tornado
  • MySQL
  • Websockets

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