
Prototyping a application for tourist in Amsterdam.

Year: 2017 • Graduation Internship • Employer: Fabrique

For my graduation at Fabrique I was assigned to research the needs and desires of tourist in Amsterdam. The assignment had a strong ‘Design Research’ aspect and –of course- a development aspect.

At the start of the project I began with desk research on the topic, where I found several roles that tourist have. With these roles I cycled into the city and started some questionnaires, and again, and again. With the results of the field research in mind I started prototyping a concept, a customer journeys and several wireframes and application flows. These where tested with several tourist in the city.

At the end of the research project I created a ‘cordova’ smartphone application that contained a GPS and time based assistant, which gave the user a glimpse of being a local in the city of Amsterdam. It for instance told you if you where in the biggest tourist trap of the city, or where locals meet at this point in time in their direct area of reach. Besides the assistant that points the user in the right direction I created several area specific characters that told the user where the area or district is known for in a local perspective.

Used technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS 3
  • Sass
  • Javascript
  • Cordova

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